Abu Dhabi Government Employee

As a Government Contributor, you will now be able to view most of the Rawy Abu Dhabi initiatives, and later with the future releases, you will have the capability to follow and comment on the initiatives content, explore data, and navigate through some popular applications that promote happy, secure and sustainable communities within the Emirate.

Member of Academia

As an Academia Contributor, you will now be able to view some of the Rawy Abu Dhabi initiatives, and later with the future releases, you will have the capability to follow and comment on the initiatives content, explore data, and launch popular applications that promote happy, secure and sustainable communities within the Emirate.

Rawy Abu Dhabi Guest

As a Guest, you will be able to view all of the Rawy Abu Dhabi publicly-available initiatives, and later with the future releases and after registering as a Contributor, you will have the capability to follow and comment on the accessible initiatives content, explore open data, and launch popular applications that promote happy, secure and sustainable communities within the Emirate.